The Mysterious Photographs of Alison Scarpulla


Alison Scarpulla is a 22-year-old, analog photographer. To give her images a mysterious look, she edits the negatives using acid and wine.

Alison Scarpulla lives and works in New York. She is just 22 years old and has been taking photographs since high school. Her images have a mysterious and archaic appearance.

© Alison Scarpulla

Scarpulla deals with the origins of art — the cult. Again and again, one finds eerie legends and rituals as subjects in the photos. Their connection to nature and people is just as clear.

© Alison Scarpulla

The mysterious effect is often caused by the grainy and blurry photos. To enhance this effect, she plays with light and shadow. Another characteristic is that the protagonists are usually seen only dimly. It’s not the identity of the person that is important but the action and its relationship to the surroundings.

© Alison Scarpulla

Alison Scarpulla photographs the analogue way and “edits” the negatives with acid and wine to give the images the look she wants.

© Alison Scarpulla

She succeeds with her ​​photography to create small, mythical universes full of beauty and horror, penetrating deep into the heart of human nature.

Photos © Alison Scarpulla

More photos by Alison Scarpulla on Flickr. You can find more information about Alison Scarpulla on Facebook and seeancemagazin.

written by frauspatzi on 2013-02-11 #art #lifestyle #vintage #analogue-photography #photographer #news #analogue-cameras #35mm-films #alison-scarpulla


  1. tamsoam
    tamsoam ·

    excellent. that's exactly what I would like to achieve in photography... BIG LOVE IT! I'm fan! thanks for sharing!!!!!!

  2. boredslacker
    boredslacker ·

    She does amazing photos!!

  3. captain_mary
    captain_mary ·

    Wow, that's awesome!

  4. mojo_lomo
    mojo_lomo ·

    pretty nice!! great work, :)

  5. hhjm
    hhjm ·

    Great gallery !!

  6. schlogoat
    schlogoat ·

    Great photos.

  7. guanatos
    guanatos ·

    wow, these are awesome :)

  8. kingnam1
    kingnam1 ·

    She needs to write a post teaching us how to do this!

  9. spidey27
    spidey27 ·

    awesomeee :)

  10. luffyblu
    luffyblu ·

    Wonderful photographs!

  11. adamo-75
    adamo-75 ·

    Wow, amazing photos. Cheers for the article ;D

  12. pawathj
    pawathj ·


  13. woddali
    woddali ·


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