Emotional Spectrum in Pictures: Framing "Fika"

Culture is amazing. Each culture has a different nuance and fine distinction of words and feelings. It speaks highly of the concepts and traditions that a culture cherishes. For the Swedes, happiness is expressed through the act of convening in a coffee table with some good friends over sugar and caffeine.

This act is called "fika".

Credits: oleman, meitads, mapix, erichv & ekeupratama

For Sweden, fika is a significant time of the day. It's more than coffee break midday, and they prefer to not have a 'translated' word for it. It's a tradition that occurs several times a day, whether in a dainty coffee shop, the workplace or in the café. Oh, it's not exclusive to 'coffee' either. Fika happens as long as you take any non-alcoholic beverage with someone else. A heartfelt conversation over tea? A rant about the management? Be our guest!

It's a social institution observed. For the good and the bad days, having a tête-à-tête with some acquaintances, people with pleasant company, solves it all. Paired with biscuits, crackers, cakes, pastries, and sweets, the ball keeps rolling from one conversationist to another. Bite off of that cinnamon roll as your coworker talks about the mundanities of his workflow. Sip that Darjeeling between an intense dialogue.

For those partaking in fika, life truly is sweet.

Credits: aitto, pmonroe, reka_s, blueskyandhardrock, why-yu & tolima

2018-02-28 #culture #fika #emotional-spectrum

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