Passing On Passion: Cameras Through Generations


It's truly a wonderful time to be alive. We live in an age when the love for film photography just grows stronger. Even in this time of all-things-digital, analogue photography still continues to flourish. Fathers, mothers, grandparents, relatives, and even friends pass on their love for film cameras to the next generation that will fall head over heels for film photography. The process of passing on film cameras and inheriting them is a beautiful thing because we always hear lovely stories about it. Oh, and the photos look grand, too.

© Little Visuals via Pexels, Image used under Creative Commons license

Here in the community, there are a few of those kinds of stories that we've heard about. Community Members @tsingtao and @jeffr were lucky enough to have had good cameras given to them by relatives. @tsingtao received a Ricoh KR-5 from his father while @jeffr a Canon AV-1 from his aunt and a Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 532 from his grandfather. Others may easily dismiss this as a simple gift but there's really much more to it than that. Passing on cameras to younger generations of photographers is a way of keeping the analogue spirit alive and what better way to do that than give it to someone who will appreciate the gift of film photography.

Photos taken by @jeffr using his grandfather's old Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 532

Community Member @tsingtao shares that the Ricoh KR-5 he got from his father became a tool for him to understand photography more. It was like an extended tutor to him when it came to photography. With that particular camera, he was able to bag not only awesome photographs but also great lessons in handling a camera.

@jeffr also had a similar experience but instead of receiving one camera, he got two! That would have made any photographer's day and there's no reason not to smile with him.

Photos taken by @tsingtao using his father's old Ricoh KR-5

Every camera has a story to tell. You can only imagine the scenes it captured through its lens. How many birthdays, holidays, graduations, and other special occasions must have been framed through its viewfinder. For a lot of photographers, it's really like a companion and a family member — always there to share in the joy of a gathering.

© Matt Hardy via Pexels, Image used under Creative Commons license

It's common to hear stories of mechanical cameras being passed down from generation to generation. For some people, it's like passing down the torch. To others, it's a right of passage. It's a tradition that they would like to keep in the family or in their inner circle and that's a beautiful thing to witness. Imagine being the one trusted by your parents or grandparents to take care of their prized possession. Those hand-me-downs are steeped in history and memories and it would be a shame to let them go.

How about you? Do you have stories about cameras being passed on through friends and family? Share with us your stories in the comments section below!

written by cheeo on 2019-09-01 #gear #culture #people #hand-me-downs #cameras-through-generations


  1. sinkinanchorssince1984
    sinkinanchorssince1984 ·

    My first camera, a k1000 was gifted to me by my step dad. Taught me how to meter, and use manual controls. I'm also hoping a new friend, found in a basement, gifted to a friend and on "loan" to me, stays for awhile. A Rolleicord

  2. lomodesbro
    lomodesbro ·

    When i was a kid I was entranced with a Kodak Autographic folder lying round the house unused. There was the steel pen which you could use to write on the negative. I never grew tired of looking at the lens, of Nevertheless opening and closing it. It opened the door to photography later in life

  3. ravmad
    ravmad ·

    I always idolized the classic Hasselblad 500 series from the 70s, may be the square is one word that everyone had in the sub conscious mind- be it the meal or the circle that you could chop off an image. And it was not until the late 2016 that a long lost friend came over and asked, " you still shoot film, would you like to have my 500cm for keeps? The only condition is, you should prove you are using it." And came with it a greater surprise - An Imacon made 16 megas digital V back! I would never forget the moment when magnanimity stood on feet and extended a hand and said-" Here, take it."

  4. guin
    guin ·

    My stepfather's father and uncle were both very keen photographers. When they passed away I was lucky enough to be offered a number of their cameras which I continue to use on a regular basis. Some date back to the early 50s but they have all been so well looked after that they all work and I continue to keep them in regular use. By far my favourites are a Rolleiflex Automat and Petri ES Auto.

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