

Making dreams a reality is fine and well, but making reality into dreams is much less time consuming and considerably more amusing. Where images are not only seen but felt. It was in moments like these I would contemplate how inferior my feeble attempts to create had been, and wrestle with the intolerable desertion of the art altogether which could bring nothing but shame in comparison to the scenes I had just profoundly inflicted upon my being. Instead, I appreciated that glorious work I had witnessed to the full extent of my soul and set out to maybe, under the perfect circumstances, come close to myself capturing the power held in those images.
Film is a gentle form of Spatialism; instead of slashing the canvas you expose the film. There is also a distinct rift that divides photographers from just people who take pictures. In one there is meaning, appreciation, and an intrinsic desire to create art for the sake of creating art and maintaining that integrity.
I have to be constantly exposed to intense stimuli, subjected to things I haven’t seen before, things that make you see. I think of what I see and that thinking has to sort itself out; it has to escape. (It’s a constant experience, opening yourself up, keeping your eyes open, your mind awake. It’s a constant experience, retreating inside yourself, keeping your eyes closed, your mind asleep.) If you know the world as it is you can create the world as you want it to be.


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