Submission by boerge0712

Today I developed a Kodak Tri-X400, which I exposed with the Yashica Electro 35 GSN, 8:00 min in XTOL. I exposed it on Thursday and this morning. Heute habe ich einen Kodak Tri-X400, welchen ich mit der Yashica Electro 35 GSN belichtet habe, 8:00 Min in XTOL entwickelt. Belichtet habe ich ihn am Donnerstag und heute Morgen

Monochrome: Black and White Photography Award 2022

Welcome to the open submission rounds of the Lomography Annual Photography Awards: the TEN AND ONE 2022! Showcase your best black and white photos and be the champion of the Monochrome category.

Other submissions by boerge0712