Taking Back Tipsters: Masks


Give your photos a brand new look by using masks on your camera. With these tipsters shared by Community members, you can create your own masks and customize them to your liking!

Mask It! by @satomi

The Diana F+ is the analogue queen of creative possibilities, and with this tipster by satomi you'll be able to dress up your lo-fi squares!

Credits: @satomi

Double Film in a Camera? by @rancliffhasenza

In this tipster by rancliffhasenza, you'll learn to create a piece of art by adding a second film in your camera ... or should I say, a small part of a second film?

Credits: rancliffhasenza

Creating a Word Mask by @veato

Inspired by silhouette masks, Community member veato stepped up the mask game by incorporating words on his photos.

Credits: @veato

Melt That Plastic in Your Camera! by @shoujoai

With a few pieces of plastic, some tape, and lighter, you too can create awesome borders for your Diana F+ square shots. Please proceed with caution!

Credits: @shoujoai

Make a 'Quadrachrome' Filter for Your Diana F+ Out of Unused Flash Gels by @buckshot

Do you have a bunch of Diana F+ flash gels sitting around unused? Well, here's an easy tip on how to turn them into rainbow gold ... and start capturing the world in glorious quadrachrome!

Credits: buckshot

If you're planning on doing some experiments, make sure you have enough film supply. Drop by our online shop or any of our worldwide gallery stores to stock up on film!

written by Julien Matabuena on 2015-07-05 #tutorials #mask #masks #tipster #taking-back-tipsters


  1. rancliffhasenza
    rancliffhasenza ·

    haha yeah! thank's for selecting my tipster!

  2. chooolss
    chooolss ·

    Thank you as well @rancliffhasenza for sharing it with the community! :)

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