A Roadtrip Around Scotland with Hannah Bailey and the Diana Instant Square

Hannah Bailey took time out from shooting sports and skating events to discover the beauty on her very own doorstep. She went on a mini road trip with the Diana Instant Square to capture the landscapes of her homelands of Scotland.

Hello Hannah, you've been travelling! where did you take these shots?

Actually, for once I was not travelling, but adventuring on my own doorstep in Scotland! These were taken on a wander across Edinburgh and a roadtrip to the Cairngorms National Park. The only human to appear in the shots is environmental activist and snowboarder buddy of mine, Lauren MacCallum. She works for Protect Our Winters UK - a climate advocacy group for the winter sports community doing great work, you should follow!

How did you get on with the Diana Instant Square?

It was big and bulky for my backpack, but fun to play with. I’ve never had an instant camera which takes multiple exposures, this was the winning feature for me! Of course, being analogue, you have to guess a little, so you definitely have to be open to creative shots - they are all going to come out unexpectedly. I normally shoot a lot of action sports, in particular skateboarding, but for this adventure I decided it would be better suited to a hike and some landscapes (also that was what I was up to). I went up Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh and Craigellachie in Aviemore, both on sunny Scottish days! The camera was pleased about that..

Any shooting tips to share?

Make sure you shoot it in bright conditions, otherwise the film won’t be happy. I produced a few dark squares out the pack. But when they do work out, it’s pretty pleasing! The double exposure lighthouse is a spot right next to where I grew up. It’s was the subject of my first ever film shot taken on a bierette many years ago. I think it would work better on close up subjects but I wanted to shoot far away landscapes, to keep these views in my pocket.

We think these images show the lovely, analogue nature of the Diana camera, were you please with the results?

I love the multiple exposed instants because they are totally original. Instagram could try and do that, but it could never be the way of true film. These are really nice snapshots of adventuring in my homeland and I will carry my favourites with me when I am on travels this year. A little glimpse of fresh air and home in my pocket!

To see more of Hannah's work visit her website or check out her Instagram page.

2019-07-18 #news #test #uk #hannah-bailey #diana-instant-square

Mentioned Product

Diana Instant Square

Diana Instant Square

Shake off expectations and let the Diana Instant Square fill your frame with unpredictable beauty. There’s no re-take, no post-production polishing — you snap the shot and seconds later you hold a beautiful picture filled with strong, saturated colors and soft, moody vignetting in your hands.

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