Scary Faceless Peeper

I developed the film Kodak 5205 250D in B&W to see if there was anything there. It was a beautiful high contrast set of images, so, because I can't leave well enough alone, I bleached it and redeveloped in color. Between the post B&W and the post bleach drying and then a shit tonne of exposure getting the film back on the reel after the stop bath (it was buried in the bottom of the tank). Back on, finished, and when I took it out of the fix, there was hardly anything there. What is there is solarized. Except this classic.... Kiev 19 with adapted Nikkor 50mm F/1.4 lens. Expired (2009) eastman kodak 5205 250D shot at EI 160. Initially developed in B&W then later, redeveloped as color per Kodak ae31 publication. In Fuji concentrated C-41 developer (30ml to 270ml water). for 3 min and 20 seconds. Stop bath, repacked in the can. Pot Fer bleach 4 minutes. Actual photographs are lost. Just this mystery remained.... Terrifying

More photos by mike1allison