Diana is Giving Us the Creeps!

Soft-focused, vignetted, and gritty -- this is the distinct Diana look. While we usually fawn about this classic imagery as beautiful and ethereal, you can also interpret it as dark and mysterious, even a tad creepy. Props and masks are optional; sometimes, shadowy silhouettes, spine-tingling blurs and double exposures, grains and vignetting - to give you a good scare.

Credits: deelightful, devrimarie, orangeuke, kekskonstrukt, warning, olique, cinzinc, satomi, bcartwright, kellybelly & fabo

Speaking of the Diana F+, this lovely and versatile camera is in its 10th year! A special edition Diana F+ 10th Year Anniversary is now available Online and in Gallery Stores near you.

2017-10-30 #halloween #creepy #spooky #diana-f

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